Here are local links in the Rochester area for school closings and also for power outages.
School Closings in the greater Rochester area
The website below allows you to listen to local law enforcement, Fire and EMS agencies live anywhere in the United States.
Using this link on your phone in a car may be illegal. Check with local authorities to see if is legal.
The best and largest online genealogical websites available. Learn of your family's past.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have family history centers at some of their chapels. Here there are volunteers that will help you get started and also show you what to do. It is free to the public.
Here are a few locations in the Rochester area.
Palmyra Stake Center
Temple Road
Palmyra NY
Hours: T & Th 9am-12pm, 7pm-9pm
Open to the public
Fairport - Pittsford Chapel
Kreag Road
Pittsford NY
Open to the public.
These videos are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Presidents that have made comments pertaining to the future.
As we live in peril times, they are referred in the scriptures as the "Great and dreadful days of the Lord".
If we are prepared and keep the commandments of God and heed the words of the prophet there is no need to fear.
Ezra Taft Benson "The Last Days" video
Ezra Taft Benson "A Message of Hope and Warning"
Ezra Taft Benson "The Consitution Will be Saved Not by Washington"
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